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How do you enact your values?


Values are the principles you feel are most important in life. Our values fuel our emotions, feelings, thoughts, and behaviours. Values are personal beliefs and opinions with less precise universal “right-wrong” meaning. Values offer one a sense of general guidelines.

Why Values are so important

When you understand what values are important to you and you consciously practice these values as often as possible, you feel more satisfied.

Values offer one a sense of general guidelines. Your values shape, for better or worse, good behaviours that improve the lives of everyone around you.

When you are in a difficult situation, staying true to your values can help you figure that situation out for yourself.

Choose 5 values

Choose your values below. Look through the following list of values and select the 5 that are most important to you. You can click on each value for an explanation.

Your top values

These are the values you have identified as important to you.

How to enact your values

Our values can shape our choices and behaviours. They can provide a guideline for you to live by. By enacting your values and protecting them, you can increase your satisfaction and positively affect those around you. Values can make decision making easier, they can help us through a crisis, they can keep us on track and promote self-satisfaction.

Living your Values Goal no.1

Set some goals to put your values into practice. Choose your most important value. What action will you take to put this value into practice?

Living your Values Goal no.2

Choose your second most important value. What action will you take to put this value into practice?

Collective values

Think of the values that your group/team holds. What is collectively important to you, that you feel embodies what your group/team wants to represent to the world. By being aware of your group values, you can work towards achieving your goals as a unit and present a united front in all situations.

Even though you are recording these values for your own reference, if you are unsure what they are, talk to some of your teammates or coaches about identifying some group values.

Your Collective values

These are the values that you have selected as a group. You can live these values the same way you live your own. You can also keep an eye on your fellow players to make sure they are living up to these values too.

Reminder: We are all human and liable to make mistakes. Be kind to each other, encourage the good in each other by being a good example to each other.

A final Thought

Remember, our values are personal to us. They might be different from someone else’s. Values can help you make tough decisions or help guide you in confusing situations. You can choose to live to your values and by doing so you will become more satisfied with your life.
